


There is no shame in a child struggling with their emotions and behaviors, or suffering from a mental illness. At 180 Counseling, we understand the stigma that may be associated with seeing a mental health professional and we are sensitive not only to the child’s needs, but the needs of the parents/legal guardians.  Our goal is to provide a safe environment in which your child can grow through what they are going through and learn skills to regulate emotions and behaviors.  All interventions are age appropriate, evidenced-based (researched and found to be effective), and are culturally normed.  Therapy may consist of talk therapy, artistic expressions, play-based activities, homework, and various theoretically sound interventions.  Family sessions are an integral part of treating the child.  We also will collaborate with the school and other supportive adults and professionals as needed and with your approval. Length of services is based on presenting difficulties, and their complexities.

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